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Below are examples of design work I have done in both professional and personal capacities.

Dabbling with Data

I have always been a fan of data visualization, and enjoy exploring new data viz tools. Below are some personal projects I've created, just for fun! 

I made the map below for the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy (ICRD) for their website's homepage, to showcase and highlight the geographical reach of their work.


To do this, I collected the history of all of their programs and partnerships, cleaned and consolidated the data into one file. and placed them in the corresponding location. You can hover over a dot to learn more about the relevant program/project that was conducted there.

Social Media Campaigns

Carousel 1: Hood College (2022) / Created the Tischer Scholar social media spotlight campaign for the Honors Program. This campaign raised greater awareness for the Honors Program and generated increased interest in research opportunities amongst students. (2022)

Carousel 2: Frank Karel Fellowship (2019-2020) / Created promotional and informative materials for social media, interested applicants, host organizations, and accepted Fellows. 

Carousel 3: Families USA (2019) / Made social media graphics that showcased healthcare consumer quotes for the storytelling and advocacy program. 

Redesigning Book Covers

I am a certified bookworm, and occasionally guilty of judging a book by its cover... so here are some of my attempts to redesign covers of books I've enjoyed!

shamers daughter.png

I redesigned the cover of The Shamer's Daughter by Lene Kaaberbøl, the first title in the Shamer Chronicles series. The original cover, shown on the right, felt slightly childish and didn't fully capture the novel's themes. While I enjoy the original art style, I aimed for a more contemporary design to better reflect the darker mystique and magic of the story.

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