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I have a tendency to never sit still. Also, I'm pretty sure the idea of "free time" is a myth. As such, I enjoy dipping my hands in a ton of different things—some directly tied to my professional and academic pursuits, and others just for fun! I’m a big fan of expanding my toolkit and staying curious; the best experiences are found that way.

Meeting at the Margins | Storytelling Initiative

I co-founded a storytelling platform that aims to empower peacebuilding efforts by elevating marginalized narratives.

Davis Projects for Peace | "Stop-Gap" Fund

Projects for Peace is an initiative for undergraduate students to design grassroots projects which address the root causes of conflict and promote peace. 

My team, consisting of myself and two peers, were awarded a Davis Project for Peace grant to carry out a project in the summer of 2021. The three of us worked with RaicesTexas over the summer and utilized finances from the grant to help develop a “stop-gap” fund and resource banks for migrants and refugees that had been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and current immigration policies.


Additionally, we helped Raices develop their national hotline, Canopy, through social media strategies and promotional measures, allowing Canopy to gain a comprehensive national network that will be able to assist migrants in all states across the nation access essential resources and social services in their communities.


frank Conference | Presenter

frank is a gathering that brings together professionals from across the social change spectrum – education, health, human rights, environmental protection, civil rights – to discuss research, insights and news pertaining to the field of public interest communications.

I attended the annual frank conference at the University of Florida and gave a presentation about the importance of utilizing empathetic storytelling in the field of Public Interest Communications. My talk spoke on the advocacy experiences I gained during my summer interning at Families USA, due to the Karel Fellowship, and I shared my family's personal story with the healthcare industry to highlight the necessity of affordable healthcare for all. View my talk here.


IREX Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge | Research Leader

Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge is a virtual exchange initiative that supports career readiness in the U.S., Iraq, and Jordan. Community college students from the U.S.and university students from Iraq and Jordan team up to solve global challenges facing the business sector across industries.

I collaborated with students in Jordan over a semester long period to find a solution to a sustainability issue regarding global tourism. Being appointed the research leader meant I had a more hands-on role in participating with members from both the American and Jordan teams. The project allowed us to combine multiple field and disciplines, including: hospitality, economics, international relations, and computer sciences, in order to produce an effective, innovative global solution.

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